March Memory Verse:
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:3
If you aren't sure where your class meets for Sunday school, check out our Church Map.
It is also located under the Resources tab.
Our Sunday Sermons will premier every Sunday Morning at exactly 10:30 AM. It will also be available to watch any time after that. Subscribe to our channel to be notified when a video premiers. We will be broadcasting the service through the radio if you are not comfortable coming in. You will be able to pick it up in the parking lot of the church. Tune in to FM 90.1
If you would like to mail in your tithes and offerings, Mt. Pleasant's address is P.O. Box 301, Gordo AL. 35466. You can also securely give online by scrolling to the bottom of this screen and clicking the yellow "Donate" button.
Sermons will Premier here, and on YouTube, at 10:30AM on Sunday mornings.
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